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Parent Advocacy is the most important advocacy of all!

For 853 and 4410 schools, the key question to ask legislators is “If I pay the same taxes as every other New Yorker, why is my child’s school not funded in the same way?”

Brookville Center for Children’s Services (BCCS) is composed of Early Intervention services, 4410 special-education preschools, 853 state-approved school-age programs, and includes home services for preschool and school age, Children’s Residential Program as well as respite and recreation programs.


New York State passed a $237 billion budget on April 20. While we did not achieve an 11% Rate Reimbursement Rate Increase for Early Intervention Services, 4.3% annual growth for 4410/853 schools, or 3.2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and Direct Support Wage Enhancement, because of your advocacy we were able to:

-Maintain the 5% Early Intervention Rate Increase.

-Advance A 2.8% COLA including a flexible 1.5% rate increase and 1.7% increase dedicated to direct care staff, clinical staff, support staff and others.

These provisions were made possible because the advocacy of self-advocates, family members, staff and friends in the community. Your support promoting these critical services is deeply appreciated.

Stay Connected to State Legislators

Advance Federal Issues, Too!

  • Through August 12, consider sharing your perspective with federal policymakers on why the role of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) must be recognized by the US Office of Management and Budget as a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) at http://www.regulations.govPlease note your comments will become part of public record so time and thought are recommended before sending a submission. More tools and information will be shared on this channel in the coming weeks. Check out NADSP’s update video and templated response letter.
  • At the federal level, the U.S. Senate  passed the “Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) Act” (S.1332/ H.R. 2941), which requires the Office of Management and Budget to consider updating the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) and recognizing the DSP role as a distinct profession. This leads to data collection and ideally more robust funding. The bill now goes to the House Representatives. Send an email to your member of Congress.

Become More Informed About Disparities in Funding for 4410 and 853 Schools 

  • 2023 Parent Video Training. “Learning About the State of Education (NYS 853 & 4410).” Educators and advocates from The InterAgency Council of Developmental Disabilities Agencies (IACNY) offers insight into the current service obstacles of 4410 and 853 schools; share October 2022 survey results from education providers; and actionable advocacy steps. Find out the answers to questions, including:
    -Does my child receive the same funding as children attending public schools?
    -Why is my child’s school experiencing staffing shortages?
    -Are the other schools struggling to staff their schools?
    -Do all schools have teacher shortages?
    -Where are all the therapists?
    -What can you to do help?
    View here.

*Materials adapted from IACNY and DDAWNY

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