Barbara C. Wilson Preschool
The Barbara C. Wilson Preschool serves 15 classrooms of children with a variety of developmental needs including those with autism spectrum disorder, speech and language disorders and related developmental disorders.
The educational and therapy treatment programs address the development of cognitive, language, sensory-motor and daily living skills. In addition, the program utilizes a school wide behavior support system to promote positive behavior and social development of all children. Classroom environments are adapted through the use of visual supports and augmentative communication systems in order to meet children’s individual learning styles. Research-based curricula are used in the school to support the children’s IEP goals and objectives.
The school provides a number of classroom options to meet the differing needs of the children. Self-contained class sizes of 6:1:2, 8:1:2, 10:1:2, and 12:1:2 are offered. Each class is staff by a master’s level, New York State certified special education teacher and 2 certified teaching assistants.
The program operates using a “team” approach. Each classroom is staffed by a multidisciplinary team, which includes the teacher and assistants, speech/language pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, psychologist and social worker. Teams meet weekly to review the children’s programming. All members are aware of each other’s goals and objectives so that children benefit from a learning environment that addresses the whole child.
The school encourages parent participation. We offer workshops and support groups and strongly encourage parent visits to the classroom and therapy sessions. In addition, an active and vibrant Parent Association provides educational and fun activities, that support our curriculum, for children and parents.