A Spelling T-R-A-D-I-T-I-O-N at The Education Center
The idea to host a spelling bee came to BCCS Education Center Program Supervisor Sherry Black during an annual review meeting, where teachers and administrators discussed their students’ progress. For years, she’d known of her students’ skills and had been looking for ways to showcase their talent for spelling.
“I have to tell you we have some really smart students here, and they really know how to spell,” said Sherry.
During weeks of planning, Sherry took great care to create an accessible and inclusive event, accommodating spellers using whiteboards to write out words and Augmented, Alternative Communication (AAC) devices so that as many students as possible were able to participate. To prepare students for the spelling bee, students studied words in the two weeks leading up to the big day.
On the day of the first annual BCCS Spelling Bee, 20 students took the stage and the auditorium was packed. There, students were split into four groups and participated in four tense rounds of spelling matches before Loukas Vrettos was crowned the winner.
A celebratory lunch followed hosted by Bleecker Street Pizza Owner and BCCS parent, Meaghan Kaplan, who generously donated 30 pizza pies for students and staff.
“It’s a great opportunity to support the children and the school. What they do for the children, day in and day out, is above and beyond everyone’s expectations,” said Meaghan.
Curriculum Coordinator Jillian Gavin assisted Sherry in organizing the event, sharing, “The goal is always for the students to enjoy themselves, support each other, and feel good about their abilities and accomplishments.”